October 3, 2015 | 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
$12.00 in advance
Temple Junior College
2600 S 1st Street , Temple, TX 76504 United States

Additional Information



WHO: Ballet Magnificat!

WHAT: Performance of original work Face to Face

WHEN: October 3, 2015 3 o’clock PM

WHERE: Mary Alice Marshall Auditorium, Temple College Campus

TICKETS: $12.00 reserved seats online at www.balletmagtemple.com
$10.00 each for groups of 10 or more
$15.00 at the door
Ticket sales begin: August 3, 2015 8 o'clock AM

New work exposes life in the sordid world of ballet

Internationally acclaimed Ballet Magnificat! Omega will be coming to Temple to present their newest production Face to Face. A contemporary story of envy, intrigue and triumph, this production takes the audience behind the scenes of a ballet company to discover timeless truths that are applicable for people of all ages. This beautiful story of redemption includes excerpts from the classical ballet Don Quixote and the powerful biblical account of the sinful woman.

“We are excited about this ballet as we continue to reclaim the art of dance for the glory of Jesus Christ through this new production” says choreographer Jiri Sebastian Voborsky.

Ballet Magnificat! was founded in 1986 by International Ballet Competition Silver Medalist Kathy Thibodeaux and her husband, Keith, the former child star known for his portrayal of “Little Ricky” in the much-loved TV series “I Love Lucy”. The ballet company has now grown to include two professional touring companies, a pre-professional trainee program, a school of the arts, and a summer workshop attended by hundreds of students and teachers each year. Recognized around the world as the benchmark for professional Christian dance, the two Ballet Magnificat! companies, Alpha and Omega, crisscross the globe from their Jackson, Mississippi headquarters, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Belton, Texas

Phone: 254-939-7345
Email: yeddie01@mac.com

IMAGES: Contact Erin Beaver erin@balletmagnificat.com and 601.977.1001 for print-ready, hi-res images

MEDIA: For interviews and details, contact Edward Fasolino
or Erin Beaver at erin@balletmagnificat.com and 601.977.1001

WEB: www.balletmagnificat.com