There are quite a few places in the state of Texas that people claim are haunted. But here are 8 of those places that you can even visit if you are interested in investigating the paranormal.

I've never been personally inclined to take a road trip to visit allegedly haunted places in Texas, but I have a few friends who LOVE to do that. Now, don't get me wrong, I'd happily tag along if, for nothing else, to learn more about the history of these places--which I love. And a couple of these places aren't far from us. One location is in Jefferson, Texas, and another is in Palestine, Texas.

To be honest, though, I'm not sure I would be fully comfortable visiting any of these places after dark. Although part of me would--depends on how brave I'm feeling on any particular day.

What about you?

If you're interested, turns out there are all kinds of places that are allegedly haunted in Texas, and we know for sure you can visit 8 of them.

When it comes to 'haunted' places, which type tends to seem scariest to you? Are you more frightened by hospitals or cemeteries? Perhaps it's the archetypal haunted house that freaks you out in fun ways. Some people particularly like to visit 'haunted' hotels because of the sheer volume of human activity over the years.

Whatever the case, there is quite a mix of these places in the list below with a brief explanation of what people have reported over the years. Let's take a look:

Yikes! Here are 8 of the Most Haunted Places in Texas You Can Actually Visit

Gallery Credit: Tara Holley

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