Smallest Cities In All 50 States: Ghost Towns, Bars and ChurchesSmallest Cities In All 50 States: Ghost Towns, Bars and ChurchesHere's what life looks like in the smallest city in each state. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Texas Is Growing, Here Are The Fastest Growing CountiesTexas Is Growing, Here Are The Fastest Growing CountiesHere's where Texas is growing the fastest.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
Surprised? Killeen, Temple Is The 14th Fastest Growing Mid Size Metro In The U.S.Surprised? Killeen, Temple Is The 14th Fastest Growing Mid Size Metro In The U.S.According to the census, the Killeen Temple metro added over 35,000 residents in the past five years. That's an increase of over 8% to the total population.Trey the Choklit JokTrey the Choklit Jok
Texas Just Gained Two House Seats Thanks to Census NumbersTexas Just Gained Two House Seats Thanks to Census NumbersRemember last summer when we were encouraging you to participate in the census? Well, this is further proof of why it's so important.Aaron SavageAaron Savage
Knock Knock, “Who’s There?”, The Census BureauKnock Knock, “Who’s There?”, The Census BureauThe Census Bureau will have reps out knocking on doors in Waco and McLennan County households.Aaron Zytle (AZ)Aaron Zytle (AZ)
Gone to TexasIt's a good thing Texas is such a huge state, because it was number one in numeric population growth over the past year.Aaron SavageAaron Savage