The best time to attend college? When it's free! Thanks to Covid federal funding, if you're interested in taking classes at Central Texas College this spring, you may be able to do so at no charge.
Great news for Veterans looking to further their education. Military Times lists Central Texas College as the Number 2 two-year school for veterans in the U.S.
Temperatures are on the rise in Texas, and that means dangerous wildfires are about to become a near daily occurrence here.
Several brush fires were spotted today (June 21) along eastbound Highway 190/Interstate 14 just outside the campus of Central Texas College, causing state troopers to close several exits leading into CTC and Clear Creek Road due to increasing smoke on the roadway...
It's almost time for the Greater Killeen Young Professionals' 8th annual Rock the Foundation Casino Night, so shuffle the cards and shake, rattle, and roll to the Killeen Civic and Conference Center Friday, March 31st, 7-11 PM.