
TX Gerrymander Ruling
A federal court has dealt Texas another loss over voting rights, finding that Republicans racially gerrymandered some congressional districts to weaken the electoral influence of the state's booming minority population.
TX Voter ID
TX Voter ID
TX Voter ID
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — An attorney for a voting rights group says President Donald Trump's administration has told her that the federal government no longer plans to challenge Texas' strict voter ID law.
Your Vote Helps!
Your Vote Helps!
Your Vote Helps!
We love local businesses and the entrepreneurial spirit behind them, so when we heard a veteran owned market in Harker Heights needed support, we had to help get the word out.
Election Terror Threat
Election Terror Threat
Election Terror Threat
U.S. intelligence officials have warned federal and local law enforcement of chatter indicating potential attacks by al-Qaeda terrorists in Texas, Virginia, and New York Monday.
Guac the Vote
Guac the Vote
Guac the Vote
Back in early September, Latinos for Trump founder Marco Gutierrez told MSNBC host Joy Reid that his culture was very dominant and causing problems, and that, if it's left unchecked, we'll soon see taco trucks on every corner. Gutierrez's choice to paint a boom in small taco businesses in a negative light seems a very poor way of illustrating his point. However, it did strike a chord with taco tru
Killeen Election Results
Saturday was the last day for Killeen citizens to vote for a new mayor, three City Council members and three KISD board members. Early results are in, and we'll update them as new information becomes available.
Bell Voting Locations
Bell County The following voting locations are arranged according to ascending precinct numbers. To jump to locations in your city, press Ctrl + F, type the name of your city, and navigate with the arrows adjacent to the search box. (Information obtained from bellcountytx...