I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 4/26/13

If Democrats never let a crisis go to waste, neither do they let a
presidential library dedication. During his remarks in Dallas,
President Obama couldn’t resist pushing the Senate bill designed to
destroy the Republican Party for all time. With House Speaker John
Boehner sitting in the audience, Obama pushed for the passage of
“comprehensive immigration reform.” Of course, all five living
presidents support the idea – even the two Bushes. Somehow,
Republicans seem to have a notion that all the new immigrants will so
love the Republican Party that minds will be changed in the voting
booth. New immigrants NEVER vote Republican – and fortunately the
House is taking this bill slowly – on a piecemeal basis. But the two
big Senate backers – Republican John McCain and Democrat Chuck
Schumer, say it’s all or nothing. For the good of the country and the
GOP, let’s choose nothing.

Join me online at BeLogical dot com. Until next time, be logical.

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