I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 4/24/13

What if the state of Texas could, with a simple vote, put two point
two billion dollars into the hands of the poor?   Would that be wealth
redistribution worth doing?  It might; especially if the transfer is
from a government that might waste it – back to the people who earned
that money in the first place.  If it sounds too good to be true, it
is.  But for a fleeting moment – until they came to their senses, the
Texas House voted down the State Lottery.  The vote was 81 to 65 to
abolish an agency that preys on the poor and the gullible – those
hoping for a quick fix to financial problems.  But the odds of winning
are astronomical and buying those Lottery tickets takes a lot of food
out of the mouths of little boys and girls.  Not to worry:  House
SpeakerJoe Straus to the rescue.  Straus is wealthy from family
gambling interest and he saved the day.  Not one school superintendent
has a thing to worry about.

Join me online at BeLogical dot com.  Until next time, be logical.

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