
Farmer’s Almanac And El Nino Now Agree, Ruthless Texas Winter
Farmer’s Almanac And El Nino Now Agree, Ruthless Texas Winter
Farmer’s Almanac And El Nino Now Agree, Ruthless Texas Winter
I'm not really on board with the possibility of snow flurries happening this winter in Central Texas, but I also have not exactly been on board with the past couple of freezing rain and ice storms we have received either.
Do Not Store Your Food Outside if You Lose Power
Do Not Store Your Food Outside if You Lose Power
Do Not Store Your Food Outside if You Lose Power
This winter storm is rare for us Central Texans, and some sometimes we are not sure what to do. Hundreds of thousands in the area have been without power for hours and even days, which means refrigerators and freezers are out of commission...

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