Watch Redneck Cop Rope Escaped Cow
Watch Redneck Cop Rope Escaped Cow
Watch Redneck Cop Rope Escaped Cow
We're going to warn you right at the top of this article: The video at the bottom of this article does not show the conclusion of the showdown between the cop and the cow. But don't worry, it's still worth a watch. Make sure you turn up the volume to hear Gretchen Wilson's Redneck Woman for the full effect...
BE ALERT: Freezing Weather Is Coming Texas Soon Temperature In Low 30’s-20’s
BE ALERT: Freezing Weather Is Coming Texas Soon Temperature In Low 30’s-20’s
BE ALERT: Freezing Weather Is Coming Texas Soon Temperature In Low 30’s-20’s
The Texas heat has truly been challenging this summer. The smoldering heat in the Great State reached numbers so high, that records were broken, and the heat index in Texas was just miserable. Like most Texans were over the heat and summer days, and according to KXAN, that request might be coming quicker than Texas could imagine...

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