10 Ways Central Texans Could Spend $10,000
Our win cash contest is back with a chance for you to win up to $10,000.
The contest is simple: listen for the code-words weekdays in the 8am to 5pm hours. Enter those code words in our free mobile app and you're instantly qualified to win. Along the way we'll pick some $1,000 winners as well.
After a long pandemic, and some bills pilling up, $10,000 could really help put someone in a better place. So what would you do with $10,000? I know: pretty much whatever you wanted, right?

Although I'm not eligible to win the grand prize, I can daydream about what I would do with that kind of money.
Like you, I'd pay some bills and maybe put some aside for a rainy day, but if I just wanted to fantasize about spending it on other things, this is what I would probably do with it.
While thinking about how to spend this amount of cash, it occurred to me that I could set a rule for myself like only spending $1,000 at a time, so some of the things on my list will be $1,000 items while some will be closer to the $10,000 limit. Go big or go home, right?
Keep in mind that I'm a simple person with simple pleasures in mind, so I could just fly to Vegas for a weekend and gamble it all, but that sounds like a long weekend, plus a much longer hangover if you know what I mean.