I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 3/26/13.

President Obama managed to avoid being punished by the voters for Obamcare. But other Democrats may not be so lucky. Remember the Democrats’ strategy? They implemented all the positive aspects of the bill up front – like older children being able to stay on their parents’ insurance. But the bad stuff is about to take effect. Young people, who supported the Democrats in droves last November, are going to pay much higher premiums to support care for older folks and immigrants. People will start losing their insurance plans at work because of higher costs. Smaller employers will lay off enough people to get under the number specified in the law. There will be shortages of doctors and nurses. Obamacare never has been liked by the public – full implementation may cause them despise it. And not a single Republican voted for it. The people may decide to switch parties in the midterms.

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