Breakfast Club Actor in Temple to Celebrate Opening of BitBar
The team behind the new BitBar in Temple plan to officially open in February or March, but they're celebrating early Monday night and upping the nostalgia factor with a meet and greet with original Brat Pack member Anthony Michael Hall.
Hall's breakout role as Rusty Griswold in National Lampoon's Vacation, after which he cemented his 80's icon status in Sixteen Candles, the Breakfast Club, and Weird Science.
He's since been in a number of TV shows and films that allowed him to really show his range.
Personally, I'm a big fan of his role as Johnny Smith in the Dead Zone TV series. Fun note: he was also Gotham City News reporter Mike Engel in The Dark Knight.
More recently, you would have seen him in Psyche, Riverdale, and Murder in the First among other projects.
If you want to meet Michael Anthony Hall, he'll be at the new BitBar behind Dynasty Chinese Restaurant in Temple tonight (Monday, January 27) from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Bring a copy of your favorite movie he's been in or purchase something for him to sign there. Either way, don't miss your chance to say hi.
There'll be Mandalorians there too. Just an FYI for all you Star Wars fans.
It's $10 to get in, and that includes the meet and greet plus free, unlimited play on all the arcade games.
BitBar will feature classic arcade games from the 70's on up, so whatever generation of gamer you are, you're sure to have a blast revisiting your childhood. Unlike when you were a kid though, you can enjoy an adult beverage while you defend the earth from Space Invaders or try to survive the sheer button mashing chaos that is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Just stay away from Polybius. Trust me.