Hey, It's Glenn Garza, otherwise known as "Dubba G" and/or "hey you." I've been rocking the Borderland for a while now. Consequently, I know all the best bars, where to find the best steaks, tacos, junk food, and I’ve always got the lowdown on local bands and concerts. You could say I am a nice guy to know. Really, you could. Go ahead, give it a shot! Rumors to the contrary started (I think by the Russians), are simply not true. When I’m not rockin' the Borderland, I’m either on the Harley or out in the desert shooting. All that, along with trying to see every band ever live, keeping a handful of area bars in business and occasionally doing something I was actually hired to do, keep me running. Rock with me weekdays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.! Concert, bar hopping, shooting and riding hours vary wildly.
Dubba G
Untrained Teachers Are Being Hired In Texas
Requirements to become a public school teacher in Texas are being waived all over the lone star state. Over 50% of new teachers have no training
Alien Grave In Texas? Thanks To This Odd Law, We May Never Know
Legend says a UFO crashed in Texas in 1897 and its pilot was buried in the town cemetery. One thing could turn legend to fact - guess why nobody will do it?
Do You Really Need No Trespassing Signs In Texas?
No Trespassing signs send a pretty clear message but, in Texas, you don't really need a sign. If you do mark an area though, do it right.
Yay! Texas Is Finally Getting A Universal Theme Park
Be patient Texas. It will be about 2 years before it opens but there IS a Universal theme park coming to the lone star state.
Can You Still Use Old College Credits In Texas?
If you left college without earning a degree, it's not too late. Texas universities may let you pick up where you left off.
Will Everyone Soon Need A Passport In Texas?
Many El Paso residents keep their passports handy as they travel regularly into Juarez. The rest of Texas may soon need to adopt the same habit.
The Longest Highway In Texas Takes Almost 11 Hours To Drive
Traveling at 75 miles an hour, without stopping, it will take you about 11 hours to drive this highway from end to end.
Self-Serve Bars In Texas – A Self Checkout No One Will Mind
If you want something done right, do it yourself ... these Texas DIY bars will let you.
Wow – Guess When You’re Too Old To Drive In Texas?
Texas puts cut off dates on lots of things but not driving. They start making license renewal harder though.
Texas Attorney General Says No To Texas State Fair Gun Ban
Texas State Fair organizers recently declared the fair a gun free zone but Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton says, they don't have that authority.