Hey, It's Glenn Garza, otherwise known as "Dubba G" and/or "hey you." I've been rocking the Borderland for a while now. Consequently, I know all the best bars, where to find the best steaks, tacos, junk food, and I’ve always got the lowdown on local bands and concerts. You could say I am a nice guy to know. Really, you could. Go ahead, give it a shot! Rumors to the contrary started (I think by the Russians), are simply not true. When I’m not rockin' the Borderland, I’m either on the Harley or out in the desert shooting. All that, along with trying to see every band ever live, keeping a handful of area bars in business and occasionally doing something I was actually hired to do, keep me running. Rock with me weekdays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.! Concert, bar hopping, shooting and riding hours vary wildly.
Dubba G
Is This Really The Most Dangerous Swimmin’ Hole In Texas?
Alligators and crocodiles are not exactly friendly and, while they may choose to ignore you and let you swim on by, they're equally capable of ripping you to shreds and eating you alive.
Can Cops In Texas Ticket People Without Telling Them?
We've all been guilty of speeding at some point in time or another and most of us have gotten cited for it once or twice. Pretty soon though, just because you made it to your destination without being stopped won't mean you got away with it.
New PSA Warns Of Texas Law That Could Cost You Big Time – From Over $1K To $4K
You've seen the signs flashing along I-10 for a while now, cautioning drivers to move over or slow down when approaching emergency vehicles in the breakdown lanes or, sometimes, regular travel lanes. Pay attention or pay up.
Led Zeppelin Singer Robert Plant On Living In Texas
The legendary singer has a lot of love for his home country of England but Texas seems to be running a pretty close second.
Do You Know What The 6 Flags Of Texas Are?
Yes, 6 Flags Of Texas is an amusement park but do you know where that name came from and what those 6 flags are?
Why Everybody In Texas Needs A Quarter In Their Freezer Right Now
Just about everybody in Texas needs a quarter in their freezer. I'm talking about the, (mostly), silver coin, ok? Not a bunch of marijuana. Wait, hold on ...
Coldest Places In Texas, New Mexico And Arizona
If you want a really cold winter, El Paso isn't the best place to be. These other southwest areas will get your teeth chattering though ...
Walmart Is Closing More Stores – Will Texas Or New Mexico Be Losing Any?
Walmart employees all over the country just got some bad news and others are getting a little anxious as the chain just announced more closures. Will there be any in Texas?
4th Largest City In Texas? … Not So Fast Austin
Austin, Texas is no longer the 4th largest city in Texas but 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th ... that would be El Paso ... remain the same.
Texas City Named Most Dangerous In The State
The most dangerous city in the state of Texas has been named and it is not the one you probably think it is. It's only about a 10th the size of its largest one.