Belton Offering Grant to Help Disabled and Special Needs Residents Make Their Homes More Accessible
The City of Belton is teaming up with Fort Hood Area Habitat for Humanity to offer a grant aimed at helping those with disabilities or special needs and their families.
The City is accepting applications for the Amy Young Barrier Removal Program. It's a state funded grant that provides up to $20,000 of assistance to residents who plan to make their homes more accessible. Improvements can include outside ramps, door widening, home leveling, adjusting the height of cabinets, making adjustments to bathrooms, etc.
Eligible residents will need to meet income and other requirements to qualify. You can submit an application at any time, but keep in mind that the program operates on a reservation system, funding projects on a first come first serve basis.
“Our hope is to provide Belton residents with additional resources to live in safe and
decent housing,” Belton Grants Coordinator Bob Van Til said.
If you or someone you know could benefit from this program, request an application at (254) 933-5813 or via email at bvantil@beltontexas.gov.
Thanks to Paul Romer with the City of Belton for passing this info along to us. Much appreciated, sir.

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