Doorbell Video Shows Woman Abandoning Toddler on Porch in Spring, Texas
Police in Montgomery County say they have identified a woman caught on camera abandoning a two-year-old child on the doorstep of a home in Spring, Texas.
The video, which was shared by the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, shows a woman run up to the home with Royal Prince Simmons in tow, ring the bell a few times, then run away and drive off in a car, leaving the boy behind. To make things worse, it look to us as if she's smiling and laughing.
Things just get more frustrating and confusing from there.
KTRK-TV and KHOU-TV both report that media asking neighbors to view and comment on the footage found the boy's father by accident. He was surprised to see the footage, and told reporters that the child was his before asking if they knew where he was. The man, identified as Willie Simmons, said Royal's mother called him Wednesday morning to say a friend would be dropping him off later that day. When the boy never arrived, Simmons just assumed the plans had changed.
Simmons said the woman in the video was his wife's friend. Police have not released her name, but say she faces felony child abandonment charges. KHOU reports that the child's mother was in the hospital overnight and not discharged until Thursday morning. She reportedly asked the woman to drop her son off at his father's house.
This story raises so many questions.
First, what kind of "friend" just abandons their friend's child like that? She couldn't wait for someone to answer the door and make sure she had the right house or that the child got inside safely?
And when Royal didn't arrive Wednesday night, why didn't his dad ask questions?
Why didn't mom ever call to check on the boy or ask her friend if he made it safely?
The whirlpool of irresponsibility here is just mind-blowing.