Freedom Country in Killeen Employees Running Errands for Seniors
Right now, our seniors need all the help and support we can give them. That's why the team at Freedom Country in Killeen is stepping up to run errands for seniors.
Now through April 30th, the Freedom Country crew will be available for grocery shopping, picking up prescription medications, dropping off cars for service, and more tasks to aid seniors in our community.
They'll offer these services Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM now through April 30th. Seniors in need can call them at (254) 306-0909.
“Our commitment has always been to our community," Matt Connell, owner of Freedom Country, wrote us in an email correspondence. "This is an unprecedented set of circumstances, and we feel it is our duty to step up and help care for our senior citizens. These are the people that made Killeen what it is today, and we will always be there for them."
Connell said he hopes circumstances will have improved by April 30th, but that the Freedom Country team is ready to continue offering their services to seniors if there's still a need in May.
Again, if you are need of assistance from Freedom Country's Essential Errand Running Service, give Matt Connell a call at (254) 306-0909.
READ MORE: Here are 10 ways to help others who are struggling right now
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