Fulshear, Texas Police Officer Finds Intoxicated Woman Sleeping on Highway
A woman found lying asleep in the middle of a dark Texas highway early Saturday morning is lucky to be alive.
Dashcam footage from the Fulshear Police Department shows a car swerve and narrowly avoid hitting the woman before an officer identified as Sergeant Scott stops to render aid.
According to a Facebook post from Fulshear PD, the woman is suspected of having been intoxicated when she ran her car into a ditch about 200 yards off FM 1093. She then crawled to the road, where she "bedded down" for the night.
Judging from the footage, it doesn't look as if that area of the highway is at all lit, and it's scary to think of how many vehicles must have suddenly come upon her and barely avoided running her over. It's also a little sad that no one seems to have stopped to ask if she needed help.
The woman was arrested for public intoxication, and while that's certainly not great news to wake up to (and in a jail cell, no less), I hope she realizes how fortunate she is that Sergeant Scott came along.