Harker Heights Dispute Goes Up In Flames [Video]
KCENTV reports a man in Harker Heights became so upset with this girlfriend that he set her belongings on fire!
Way to put all kinds of people up and down the block at risk. It's over 100 degrees outside and this guy starts a fire. Once the pole supporting the power lines catches on fire the entire block could have lost power in the extreme heat. Let's hope whatever happened that the person responsible answers for this one.
Police say the fight and fire occurred around 2 PM Tuesday. KCENTV reports that the neighborhood did not lose power but that internet and cable service was interrupted due to the blaze. Below shows the perspective of neighbors nearby who caught some of the action on a video posted to social media (NSFW).
They say the fire caused an estimated $7500 in damage to the surrounding property. It is not known if the man who allegedly started the fire has been arrested.
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