Is the Spanish Language Here To Stay or Fading Away in Texas?
I know what you're asking "why this article?" And, why now? Well, the Pew Research Center has just finished up a lengthy report on The Spanish language and the use, non-use and importance to U.S. Latinos. The results are pretty fascinating.
Before we get to the breakdown of some of the findings here's how the report was conducted.
"For this report, Pew Research Center surveyed a nationally representative sample of 3,029 U.S. Latino adults, in English and Spanish, from Aug. 1 to 14, 2022. Findings among the sample often differ by nativity, immigrant generation, age, educational attainment and language use."
Ok, there is a lot of information in these findings, but let's get to the main questioned offered - Is the Spanish Language here to stay or fading away here in Texas? Well, despite a drop into mastery of language...
"Close to two-thirds (65%) of third- or higher-generation Latinos say they cannot carry on a conversation well in Spanish."
Contradicting that last note, a lot of U.S. Latinos believe that it is essential to keep...
"A majority of Latinos (65%) say it is at least very important that future generations of Latinos in the U.S. speak Spanish, including a third who say it is extremely important. Only 5% say it’s not at all important."
The report was really through and broke down identity issues and political affiliations. You can read the entire findings at the Pew Research Center site.
Here are some other key findings on the report:
- While most U.S. Latinos speak Spanish, not all do. 24% of all Latino adults say they can only carry on a conversation in Spanish a little or not at all.
- About half of U.S. Hispanics who do not speak Spanish have been shamed because of it. 54% of Hispanics who say they speak no more than a little Spanish say another Hispanic person has made them feel bad for it.
- Some Hispanics make jokes about those who do not speak Spanish. Four-in-ten Hispanic adults say they hear other Hispanics make jokes, extremely often or often, about Hispanics who do not speak Spanish or don’t speak it well.
- Spanglish use is widespread among U.S. Hispanics. 63% report speaking Spanglish, a combination of Spanish and English, at least sometimes.
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