Horrific Baby Murderer Now Out On Bond In Waco, Texas
This isn't the type of headline you were hopeful to see when you started your day this morning. A child murdering man is free on bond after allegedly attempting to run over a couple of other potential victims in a pickup truck over the weekend in Waco, Texas.

On Saturday evening on the 2500 block of East Lake Shore Drive near the Brazos Village Apartments, a woman was run up on by a man who immediately began to physically attacking her until two men were able to intervene. The perpetrator of the assault was later identified to be Sampson Walter Graves, 63, of Waco.
What happened after the men provided aid to the woman?
Once the initial attack was halted, Graves then got into a 2021 Dodge Ram truck, and began to ram a Nissan Versa the woman had just gotten into. After Graves rammed the vehicle three times, a man was able to assist the woman with getting out of the Nissan, and the two of them eventually fled to safety behind a fence lined swimming pool area as Graves reportedly attempted to run them over before fleeing the area.
How was Graves caught if he fled the area?
After Waco Police had responded to the emergency, Graves was identified by an officer during their investigation as he actually returned to the scene of the alleged crime, and was driving past. Graves was then taken into custody on the 800 block of East Lake Shore Drive, and has since bonded out.
Why is Graves a horrific baby murderer?
Graves served 20 years after pleading guilty of murdering an 18 month old boy by beating him to death. Read more in this KWTX article.