More To The Mistake? We Examine The Texas Buc-ee’s Billboard “Error”
By now, many of us have noticed what can only be described as someone maybe typing too fast. One billboard in Texas, advertising one of the state's originals, had a weird typo on it. The typo is predominately featured, and has caused countless conversations.
Of course the talking about the billboard is no different in Texas, as seen here on KHOU 11:
First things first, the fact that this billboard is in Central Texas makes us wonder if someone among us forgot how to spellcheck. But as we look longer at this billboard, the more we wonder..."was this an intentional misspelling?"

New evidence has actually been brought to light, which suggests that just maybe, we've all played for a fool!
Same Buc-ee's Billboard, Different State
So let's first thank our friends at Texas Monthly, who reported the sighting of the same billboard in another state. This state I'm very familiar with, as I lived there for over 10 years. In Alabama, the exact same billboard made an appearance, misspelling and all:
Sans the miles to the Buc-ee's, it's an exact replica of the billboard spotted in Texas. Honestly however, this leads to more questions than answers doesn't it? Texas Monthly put forward the idea that it's a reference to a movie line from Jerry McGuire.
To be completely honest, I doubt the company would make the same mistake twice over in two different states. But I've been wrong before, and it is possible Buc-ee's is just playing a joke on us.
We'll just have to wait and see if our favorite beaver mistyped or pulled a fast one on us. Either way, we still love you Buc-ee's!