I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 4/11/13

Conservatism is on life support. Democrats are doing everything wrong – but the winds are blowing their way and Republicans are caving, in record numbers.  Bobby Jindal has backed off his plan to phase out the Louisiana state income tax.  Indiana Governor Mike Pence’s plan to cut the state income tax is in trouble.  Public Pension reform is being defeated in Kansas – and is in trouble in Pennsylvania.  Tennessee and Texas have walked away from school voucher programs.  Worst of all, political observers are just waiting for Texas Governor Rick Perry to cave on Obama’s Medicaid expansion.  Some say it’s a matter of time – because Perry’s staff is mushy and is providing him with no conservative alternatives.  Meanwhile, Texas House Speaker Joe Straus very well might lead the fight FOR Obamacare.  Where have all the conservatives gone?  Turned to jelly every one.  When will we ever learn?

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