I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 4/17/13

Liberals and conservatives are wired differently. I’ve always
believed that – and now a Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll seems to
confirm it. Seventy-three percent of Democrats support gay marriage
– only twenty-seven percent of Republicans. Eighty-two percent of
Democrats support more gun laws – again, only twenty-seven prevent of
Republicans do. On immigration and amnesty, eighty percent of
Democrats support a “path to citizenship,” but among Republicans,
support is at forty-seven percent. With regard to abortion on demand,
sixty-two percent of Democrats support it, but among Republicans, just
twenty-five percent. The poll seems about right – and it explains why
Congress is so partisan and fights all the time. It simply reflects
the rest of us. The liberal ring around three fourths of the country
is the political opposite of the heartland. As is the Congress – so
is the country.

Join me online at BeLogical dot com. Until next time, be logical.

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