I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 4/3/13

Bilingual education is deeply rooted in our education system and it’s going to be hard if not impossible to expunge it.  That’s my conclusion after the Dallas Morning News carried my column about the Irving ISD – and after reading the emails the column generated.  The mail ran about 10 to 1 in FAVOR of my point of view.  I even got a thank-you letter saying that the column had been copied and sent to each Irving school trustee.  But one educator was adamant about the value of bilingual education – referring me to studies, all conducted by the education establishment.  My favorite email is the one that let me know the writer had informed five of the News’ advertisers that he would not buy their products if they advertised in an issue that carries my column.  None of this changes the truth about bilingual education.  Good or bad – educators are mightily offended when it’s challenged.

Join me online at BeLogical dot com.  Until next time, be logical.

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