I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 5/16/13

“My question is, who’s going to jail over this scandal.” Those are
the words of House Speaker John Boehner, discussing IRS-gate. So
people are now actually talking about somebody paying a price – like
jail time – or even impeachment of the President. Remember, Hillary
Clinton took responsibility for the events in Benghazi but did NOT pay
a price. The days of not paying a price are about over. The IRS
scandal is growing by the day – and the Benghazi scandal isn’t going
away – and the AP scandal is waiting to see if it has legs. All this
reminds me of the Scooter Libby affair. Libby was an aide to Vice
President Cheney who was accused of covering up a crime that never
happened. Somebody else had committed the original crime – but Libby
was on the hot seat and the media ate it up. Coverage was constant
and Libby was convicted. In these current scandals, somebody is going
to take the fall.

Join me online at BeLogical dot com. Until next time, be logical.

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