I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 5/28/13

The Gang of Eight in the US Senate is trying to fix immigration. They
SHOULD be trying to fix assimilation. A quick trip to the grocery
store or any construction site makes it apparent that assimilation is
moving much more slowly than the influx of people. Our schools and
colleges are all hung up on diversity – that is, they are TEACHING
that assimilation is not necessary and not even desirable. If you’re
a Spanish speaker, you have your own radio stations, TV networks and
newspapers and Walmart will call a Spanish speaking associate if you
need one. Your kids are being taught in Spanish at taxpayer expense
and you can vote with a Spanish-language ballot. So why assimilate?
If the Americans don’t care, why should you? Fly the flag of your
home country and be loyal to IT – not to the United States. The
concept of “e pluribus unum” is dead, and with it assimilation – and
any hope for unity.

Join me online at BeLogical dot com. Until next time, be logical.

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