I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 5/1/13

If you like surprises you are going to enjoy Obamacare and the Amnesty bill. Both are just chock full of ‘em. The Affordable Healthcare Act is unveiling and it now is certain that everybody’s insurance will go up – way up. In fact, one of the best selling books in America is about how to survive this bill. And here’s what you don’t know about the Amnesty bill. Illegal aliens get amnesty, and then are eligible for social services. Those previously deported can come right back – with identity theft and fraud forgiven. The bill allows ALL states to offer in-state tuition to everyone who’s just gotten amnesty. The “back taxes” they were going to pay has been removed from the bill.
And, it has hundreds of waivers and exemptions, all at the discretion of Janet Napolitano. Taken together, these two bills – both liberal obsessions – will cost you plenty. And most member of Congress have yet to read them.

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