I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 4/8/13

Liberal Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer sat next to Senator John
McCain on “Face the Nation” and told Bob Schieffer that the bill to
destroy the Republican Party should be completed this week. That’s
not how he said it – but that’s what he meant. John McCain, looking
like a bobble-headed doll, nodded and agreed with everything Schumer
said. Democrats wants this bill sooooo bad. They know full well that
every naturalized and soon-to-be-voting immigrant will be a Democrat –
actually about 60 percent of them will. That’s why it’s tough to
watch four senate Republicans and four House Republicans seemingly
conspire to end their own party. In the House, my own Congressman,
John Carter, is one of the gang. In both houses, there is NO voice of
the people – just deals among Congress, Big Business and Big Labor –
all behind closed doors. Get ready for a third party.

Join me online at BeLogical dot com. Until next time, be logical.

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