Texas Independence Day is March 2nd. Will you celebrate with a special Lone Star?

Via Lone Star Brewery
Via Lone Star Brewery

News4SA is reporting that Lone Star has printed up special cans to salute the courage of a bunch of rebellious settlers who took on Mexico near Gonzales during the Texas Revolution.

In 1831, Gonzales settlers were granted a cannon from Mexico to help protect them from the Comanche. A few years later, relations with the Mexican government became...let's say "strained". Mexican states were revolting, and the government was nervous about those restless Texans up north doing the same. When a commander with the Mexican Army requested the cannon be returned, the settlers at Gonzales refused.

100 soldiers were sent to take it back. Two days later, a battle loomed as the townspeople refused to give up the cannon. Two young ladies prepared a flag to express the settler's feeling. It was a picture of a cannon and the words "Come and Take It".

This year, celebrate Texas Independence by tipping back a few special Lone Stars!

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