I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 4/16/13

What will we do now?  What will Dianne Feinstein say?  What about Joe Biden.  What about President Obama?  As of this writing, three people eluding an eight year old child are dead and dozens hurt in a terroristic attack at the Boston Marathon.  Like at Sandy Hook, whoever did it planned to inflict as much death and carnage as possible. And yet, no guns were used.  So how will our liberal administration react?  First we have to find out who did it – and if it turns out be a Middle Eastern terrorist, what then?  Will we retaliate?  Not likely.  Even if we could prove some foreign power is behind it, we’ll still dole out foreign aid, and buy their oil and life will go on for those who survived.  Undoubtedly, we will pause, and think, and not go off half cocked.  Only when the weapon of choice is a gun in the hands of a criminal do we act quickly and irrationally saying “we have to do something.”

Join me online at BeLogical dot com.  Until next time, be logical.

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