Mikel Knight’s Street Team With History of Illegal Solicitations Spotted in Temple
If you see this bus in Central Texas do yourself a favor and just head the other way. It belongs to "country rap artist" Mikel Knight. According to www.savingcountrymusic.com, Knight has built his career on manipulation, violence, and all out dishonesty. Cities all over the country have taken to the internet, warning people about the aggressive tactics used by associates of this person and encourage folks to just stay away.
Well, Knight's bus was spotted in Temple just days ago! This photo was taken this week at the Stripes on West Adams Avenue and Kegley.
Other temple residents started posting photos of the bus as they saw it coming through town.
What's even more ridiculous than this artist's music is the scam he's running anywhere his bus can take him. Police Departments in multiple states have arrested members of the Mikel Knight Street team for trying to sell merchandise without permits and for harassing the public. What's even worse is the people who get talked into working for this man. Listen to this guy's story...
An unbelievable story. All the more reason to stay clear of Mikel Knight and his street time. Like many other people, if you encounter his street team or their scam, don't hesitate to contact police.
Court records in Nashville show Knight has been arrested a number of times on several charges including assault, harassment and theft.
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