No, H-E-B is Not Banning People 16 and Under From Their Stores
There are images being passed around Facebook and Instagram claiming that H-E-B plans to ban anyone age 16 or under from entering its stores in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Every time I see the post, it's got a different date and hundreds of shares, not to mention tons of angry comments.
Like so many things that get thrown at the wall that is social media, this is fake news.
I emailed the folks at H-E-B's newsroom to ask if they were aware of the rumors. This is the response I received.
That post did not come from H-E-B and the claim is not true. Thank you.
So there you go. Can we stop sharing these phony images now?
The last fake news story to get under our skin claimed Texas was suspending liquors sales at the beginning of April.
H-E-B has taken precautions to protect staff and customers, as have just about all businesses across the nation. However, they're not going to kick your 16-year-old out if you send them to pick up the groceries and some TP.
I want to take this opportunity to once again thank the employees at H-E-B for continuing to work hard and keep things running as smoothly as they can under the current circumstances. That goes for everyone reporting for work and helping out, and especially our medical workers, first responders, and truck drivers.
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