Police Officer Finds Snake in Walmart Shopping Cart
When you hear a scream in a Walmart parking lot, it usually either means someone got a great deal or someone needs Superman. This time it was more the latter, but thankfully turned out to just be nature reminding us it's there.
The Northeast, Texas Police Department reports that an officer was patrolling near a Walmart Saturday evening, May 25 when heard a cart collector cry out in fear. When he rushed over to investigate, he found a big, juicy rat snake hanging out in one of the carts.
With the help of John Heckaman of Savannah, Texas, the snake was safely removed and relocated. (NEPD reports that Heckaman was only bitten once, so it's all good.)
Police said recent heavy rains have forced many snakes out of their usual habitats. Fortunately, the snake in this case was mostly harmless. However, it'll have me looking twice before grabbing a cart next time I'm at the store.