Texas Wiener Dog Skinny Vinnie Makes ‘GMA’ Appearance
America has a weight problem, and it doesn't stop at humans. Even animals succumb to the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) way so many of Americans live, and this Texas wiener dog was no exception.
Fat Vincent as he was nicknamed was brought to an K-9 Angels Rescue in Houston when his elderly owner passed away. He had been fed a consistent diet of fast food and was morbidly obese, weighing in at a whopping 38 pounds at just 7-years-old. To put that into perspective: he was 22 pounds over the healthy average weight of 16 pounds for dachshunds.
The shelter worked with Vincent, taking him for long walks, having him swim in a life jacket, feeding him healthy dog food and exercising portion control.
Because the shelter took such an interest in Fat Vincent, he is now named Skinny Vinnie, weighing in at a miraculous 17.5 pounds! He is now shadow of his former self, with his belly no longer dragging on the ground and his back not in danger of suffering a stress fracture.
Skinny Vinnie has gained such renown that he was a recent guest on Good Morning America.
According to his foster mom Melissa Anderson, he is now almost ready to be adopted. Even though he still gets excited when they go through a fast food drive-thru, the only thing coming out of the drive-thru window is coffee for his foster mom, Melissa.
So for animals and humans, the key to a healthy, happy lifestyle is eating right and getting moving.
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