Suicide Prevention Charity Walk Coming To Harker Heights in October
The statistics are sobering. More soldiers are dying by their own hands than are dying in combat, and that's not just because so much of the war has drawn down. A Ft Hood organization is looking to raise awareness on this tragic trend.
Even during some of the fiercest fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, suicide numbers by active duty soldiers was approaching the number of soldiers dying in the war itself each month. Needless to say, it's much higher than originally thought, and despite the wars coming to an "end" for many, the war rages on inside for many of the young heroes we put in harm's way. Now is the time to raise the awareness needed to combat this combat-induced suicide epidemic.
Recent reports suggest the numbers are declining, but some say the suicide rate is far from falling to pre-war levels. It's because of this that organizations are working harder than ever to raise awareness while decreasing the numbers of those that take their own life. The Greater Ft Hood AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention), a non-profit, is holding a community walk, Out of the Darkness, October 3rd in Harker Heights.
You don't have to wait until this event to help. There are national, regional and even local organizations that can help you through your dark days, or they can offer help for helping others that you feel may be at risk. Don't ignore warning signs. Our heroes protected us in battle, and now it's our responsibility to protect them as best we can.
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