UT professors have lost another legal round challenging a Texas law allowing people with concealed-handgun licenses to carry weapons on public campuses.
Their case was initially dismissed by a federal judge who determined they had no clear evidence to substantiate their concerns about guns in classrooms.
Texas lawmakers on opposite sides of the aisle have proposed major gun bills ahead of the 2017 legislative session - three that would greatly expand the open carry of firearms, and one that would allow public universities to opt out.
New Hampshire-based singer-songwriter Ray Lamontagne has decided to cancel a Thursday night show at the University of Texas in Austin because of the campus carry law, which allows students to be armed.
So much for that live free or die attitude New Hampshirites are known for...
Three professors at the University of Texas in Austin were dealt a bit of a blow after they were told in a judge's ruling that they cannot ban students from carrying guns into their classrooms.
U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel ruled this week that the Texas legislature and other state regulatory bodies are fully within their purview to decide whether certain guns could or could not be allowed in th
WILL WEISSERT, Associated Press
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Hubbub surrounding proposals to allow open carry of handguns has overshadowed another bill that could spark an equally large battle but actually appears to be on a faster track to becoming law: campus carry.