
'New', 'Smart' Missiles
'New', 'Smart' Missiles
'New', 'Smart' Missiles
Defying Russian warnings against U.S. military strikes in Syria, President Donald Trump said Wednesday that missiles "will be coming" in response to Syria's suspected chemical attack that killed at least 40 people.
No Syrian Refugees
No Syrian Refugees
No Syrian Refugees
In a letter to President Barack Obama issued Monday morning, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said the state will not accept any refugees from Syria in the wake of deadly terror attacks in Paris, France Friday evening.
Terror Raids in France
Terror Raids in France
Terror Raids in France
PARIS (AP) — France's prime minister says there've been more than 150 police raids overnight in France. Manuel Valls tells French radio RTL that more terror attacks could hit "in the coming days, in the coming weeks." And Valls reaffirmed President Francois Hollande's declaration that "we are at war" against terrorism...
Syrian Diplomacy
Syrian Diplomacy
Syrian Diplomacy
WASHINGTON (AP) — A critical conference is scheduled this weekend in Vienna where diplomats will try to decide which of Syria's fighting forces are common enemies and which can be included in a transition government with President Bashar Assad.

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