Temple and Killeen Police Announce Operation Chill 2019
Police in Temple and Killeen are on the lookout this summer for kids doing the right thing and serving their community.
They've once again teamed up with 7-Eleven for Operation Chill, and any kids caught on their best behavior will be "ticketed" with a coupon good for a free Slurpee.
The program doesn't just reward kids for good deeds, but helps police connect with kids in a positive way.
“The coupons serve as an icebreaker between officers and young people in the community,” said Temple PD media relations specialist Cody Weems. “It's a way to encourage dialogue in a non-law enforcement setting.”
So if your child is guilty of being kind and holding doors for people, helping clean up their community, or participating in constructive activities, they may get a ticket this summer and a cool treat.
Police departments across the country have been teaming up with 7-Eleven for Operation Chill for 24 years, and have handed out nearly 21 million tickets since the program's inception.
“There’s a reason Operation Chill continues to be our most popular community service program,” said Art Lazo with 7-Eleven. “Kids love Slurpee drinks, and police officers love having a reason to approach kids and surprise them with a coupon as a reward for doing something good. We at 7-Eleven know how important it is for police officers to make those important positive connections with kids early.”
Doing the right thing may be its own reward, but when the temperatures soar in Central Texas, it's nice to know kids spotted helping others and serving their community will be rewarded with something cool.