Temple Police Investigating Pair of Home Invasions
Kathleen Series with our news partner, KWTX, recently reported on pair of home invasions in Temple.
The first happened around 2 AM Friday, December 3 in the 300 lock of South 24th Street. The victims told police that three suspects kicked in their bedroom door, pointed guns at them, and demanded some items. They ended up leaving with a cell phone, having not found whatever it was they initially hoped to take.
Strangely, the victims said the perpetrators entered through "an unlockable front door". No details about what that's supposed to mean were released.
The second break-in also involved three suspects. The victims said they were asleep in a home in the 2400 block of South 31st when the masked intruders entered and beat a man in the head with a handgun. If anything was stolen or any demands were made, police have been mum about it.