I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 3/18/13

Somebody’s trying to stick a fork in the conservative movement. Once again, the future of conservatism and the Republican Party was the rage on Sunday TV. But not so fast. If there is a party in long-term trouble, it’s the Democrats. They won the last election and they have many of their policies in place. But those policies are not working.
The Stimulus gave us more debt, and Obamacare is going to ruin our healthcare system. The day is coming when the people will scream for conservative leadership. Consider – conservative policies gave us the Texas economy that’s now the economic engine of the country. Liberal polices gave us California, Illinois, and the city of Detroit. Obama wants us to be more like Europe and he’s taking us there. But Europe’s in big trouble. We can be like them, or we can be like Texas. Eventually, the people will return to conservatism when they want prosperity again.

Join me online at BeLogical dot com. Until next time, be logical.

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