The El Paso Zoo Will Name a Cockroach After Your Ex and Feed It to a Meerkat
Talk about petty!
Last year, the El Paso Zoo offered to name Madagascar roaches after people's exes, then feed the bugs to meerkats during a live video stream. The promotion was such a huge hit that they're doing it again this year. (You can watch some of last year's video below.)
They haven't officially announced this year's event yet, but a not-so-cryptic Facebook status posted Wednesday showed a meerkat eating a roach, so I think it's safe to say that all the brokenhearted folks out there looking to turn their bitterness into a sweet treat for cute animals will get their chance.
In 2019, the zoo had people send their ex's name in a private message. During a February 14 livestream, zookeepers fed crunchy critters with those exes names to meerkats. The zoo issued a list of exes first names and last initials so people knew the roachy avatar of the person who broke their heart was on the menu.
Fortunately, I'm on good terms with most of my exes and don't harbor any ill will or resentment toward the others, but I do find this absolutely hilarious. If someone was a complete jerk to you and really did you wrong, this could be a cute and harmless way of getting at least a modicum of satisfaction.
So, will you be submitting a name?