Waco Police Department Searching for Man
KWTX's Ke'Sha Lopez reported that the Waco Police Department needs the public's help searching for a man.
The man is Maurice Edward Tucker, 38. Authorities said he was last seen on Wednesday, and are trying to find him because he has Bipolar Schizophrenic disorder.
The reason the search is important for the Waco Police Department is because the man has the disorder, and has not had any medication.
Waco Police Department Officer Garen Bynum said, "His family said he can become aggressive when he is off of his meds." The man lives in East Waco, and takes walks regularly to the convenience stores near his home.
Tucker is around 6 foot 1 inches and about 230 pounds. The authorities said, if you have seen him make sure to call (254)750-7500 or 911.