Woman Returns Cursed Stone to Enchanted Rock
If you're looking to get yourself cursed this Halloween, don't bother hit-and-running an old gypsy woman or breaking a witch's heart. Just steal a stone from Enchanted Rock Nature Reserve.
As you can see from the letter she sent to rangers, it worked for a poor woman named Maria. According to her letter, Maria had nothing but bad luck after since taking a piece of the park home with her. In the post script, she says she wasn't able to return the stone in person. We can only assume she's in traction and dictated the note to a nurse.
In case you didn't know, Enchanted Rock is a gorgeous nature reserve just north of Fredericksburg. According to Texas Parks and Wildlife, it's one of the most visited parks in the state park system, which comes as no surprise to anyone who's witnessed its beauty.
As one person wrote in the comments section of the TPWD Facebook post...