I’m Lynn Woolley with your Logic Minute for 2/26/13
Texas' new Senator – Ted Cruz – is under fire for being too aggressive
– and asking Defense nominee Chuck Hagel hard questions. The Left is
comparing him to Joe McCarthy. But in May 2004, Democrats held a
hearing on the abuses at Abu Ghraib where they brutally attacked
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. No one accused Carl Levin, Hillary
Clinton, Robert Byrd, or Edward Kennedy of McCarthyism. In April
2007, there was another hearings over the firings of U. S. attorneys.
Democrats Chuck Schumer, Patrick Leahy, Dianne Feinstein, and Dick
Durbin viciously questioned Attorney General Al Gonzales. The rest of
the Democrats and the media were fine with it. I was fine with it.
The Congress is charged with oversight duties and the Senate has the
constitutional mandate of advice and consent. Except, that is, when
it’s Ted Cruz and his hard questions aimed at a Democratic president’s
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