Axl is the Pet of the Week
Axl the Rat Terrier is our Pet of the Week. He is 4 years old neutered, housebroken, and leash trained. Axl is very active, he really needs a household with kids or some kid-like adults.
Axl and Officer Hetzel/Photo by Julia Conner
You can see Axl and other adoptable pets at the Temple Animal Shelter, 620 Mama Dog Circle. Go by and play with the dogs and cats. You can even bring the dog you already have with you to see how the pets interact.
If you would like to make a donation, money is always good. The animal shelter can also use your old towels and inexpensive clay type kitty litter. Volunteers are also welcome. Call (254) 298-5732, or Email.
If you don’t live in Temple visit the Animal Shelter in your home town.
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