Bill Murray Serenades Woman at Baylor on Her 94th Birthday
Baylor's Men's Basketball Team is having a great year, but they got overshadowed the other day by Bill Murray.
According to KWTX News, Mary Ellen Wible of Waco wanted to celebrate her 94th birthday with the Baylor Bears. Her son Mark, picked up tickets to see the Baylor Men take on Xavier Saturday night for her and her grandson Noah. What they didn't know was that Bill Murray's son is an assistant for Xavier. Bill was already in Austin and decided to drive up to see his son.
During the game the camera found Bill in the stands. Noah got the courage to go up to Mr. Murray and asked for a photo. He introduced his grandmother and mentioned that it was her 94th birthday. That's when Bill decided to serenade the young-at-heart lady with Happy Birthday.
Is there anything Bill doesn't do?
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