Copperas Cove Citizens are Welcome to Dispose of Junk at Spring Cleanup
It's been a long pandemic driven year, and as we start to get to the end of it, you may have some stuff to get rid of. If you've been shopping more on line, maybe you've collected tons of boxes or bubble wrap. If you've been cleaning up around the yard, you may have some bags of clippings that have got to go.
If you live in Copperas Cove, the annual City Wide Spring Clean-Up event is coming on Saturday, April 24, 2021 from 8am to 12pm and you're invited to toss out as much of that junk as you can.
According to a press release from the City of Copperas Cove, the Copperas Cove Solid Waste Department and Keep Copperas Cove Beautiful will give residents a chance to finally dispose of household trash and waste.
Residents and business owners can take advantage of two free visits per utility account. You'll need to show proof of residency, but simply showing your current utility bill should suffice.

This is the perfect time to get rid of basic household trash and junk, brush, and yard waste, plus appliances, computer equipment, recycling and cooking oils. No plastic bags!
There is a cost for disposing tires. $3 for 17'' and $7 per tire 17.5'' and above. $20 for tires with rims still on them.
Construction debris and other various household hazardous waste items will NOT be accepted during this event. They ask that if you bring an old fridge, freezer, or A/C unit that the compressor be removed.
For additional information regarding this event please contact Solid Waste at (254) 547-4242.
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