Enjoy a 5k and Play Polar Bear in Copperas Cove, Texas January 22
The City of Copperas Cove, Texas Parks and Recreation Department invites runners and cold water enthusiasts to the 5K Run to the Polar Bear Plunge.
There's no better way to cool down from a 5k run than to take a Polar Bear Plunge, and that's exactly what's in store on Saturday, January 22, 2022 at the City Park Pool located at 1206 W Avenue B.
The event starts at 8am with the 5k run, part of the Cen-Tex Race Series. Then, following the 5k, you're invited to take the Polar Bear Plunge into the City Park Pool.
Sounds cold, right? Check out some video of the 2016 event below:
Here in Texas, you never really know what the weather will be like in the early days of the new year. Will it be cold or warm? We'll have to wait and see about the temps for January 22, but the water itself should be plenty cold enough to satisfy the polar bear in you.

Pre-registration is quick and easy at this LINK, and you can register in advance until Friday January 21st. The race fee is $20 plus a $2.16 sign up fee for a grand total of $22.16.
On-site registration on the day of the event is $25, and registration begins bright and ugly at 6:30am.
The Polar Bear Plunge into the City Park Pool is free for anyone who wishes to live like a polar bear. There will be a Belly Flop Contest, plus a Treading Water Contest starting at 10am. You must be at least 10 years old to join in on the fun. Register for the Polar Bear Plunge HERE.
For any addition questions, reach out to Special Events Coordinator
Ashley Wilson at awilson@copperascovetx.gov or call (254) 542-2719.
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