Gatesville Has a Teacher Gun Plan
Teachers in Gatesville might be carrying weapons.
A local school district is moving forward with a plan to allow some staff members to bring weapons to school.
KWTX is reporting that Gatesville ISD school board voted 7-0 Tuesday night on a resolution to devise a plan, according to Gatesville Superintendent Eric Penrod. He said, "Those selected to carry guns would have to undergo intense training, psych evaluations, and must qualify monthly on a shooting range."
Gatesville ISD has five campuses, and they want enough employees to be armed to stop an active shooter quickly at any one of them.
Penrod said, "We have a ratio worked out internally to where we feel we want to be anywhere in the district at any point within 1 to 2 minutes, because unfortunately the time is 3 to 7 minutes is the typical time of an active shooter. So the district's perspective is if we can cut that down in half then we'll probably save a few lives."
Odds are it's going to be several months, so more than likely next year, before the plan will be implemented.
Schools still remain gun free zones under federal and state law, but there are exceptions in Texas that allow employees to carry firearms on school property.