Bars in Texas won't be allowed to reopen until after a decrease in COIVD-19 cases and a decrease in hospitalizations.

News 10 reports Gov. Greg Abbott has expressed his sympathy for Texans who are now unemployed following his order closing bars during a press conference on Thursday afternoon.

Abbott says, “When you go to bars, you don’t go in there and go to an isolated location. After you’ve had several drinks, some people become fairly intoxicated and less likely to use discipline that is needed to make sure they are avoiding spreading COVID-19.”

The Governor says he's talked with infectious disease doctors who say bars can be a "transmission zone" for the virus.

After the state reopened, Texas saw an increase in cases and the Governor then re-ordered bars to be shut back down and restaurants to be at only 50% capacity.

He continues to monitor the situations and says the bars could reopen once COVID-19 cases drop below 10% and stay that way for an extended period of time.

I"m hoping things improve soon for all of us here.  A lot of jobs are in limbo because of the shutdown and people are struggling.  Stay safe by wearing a mask while physically distancing, and hopefully this virus will get under control soon and bars can open back up.
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